Kategorie: Open Science

The Open Access Tracking Project – OATP

TIB recently successfully completed a meta-study on the effects of Open Access for the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In this context, we made intensive use of the Open Access Tracking Project – probably the most comprehensive collection of sources on Open Access topics worldwide. We are using this occasion to present the OATP in a blog post.

OER4Ukraine / OER4Україна

Ukrainian scientists, teachers and students are invited to use and collaborate with us on portals for digital teaching and learning resources / Запрошуємо українських науковців, викладачів та студентів до використання та співпраці у розробці цифрових порталів освітніх та навчальних ресурсів

Examining Wikidata and Wikibase in the context of research data management applications

The monthly NFDI InfraTalk opened up an interesting question regarding the potential of Wikidata to be used as an application for science and research. In this 2-part post series, we expand on the differences between Wikidata and Wikibase instances, and their potential applications in academic contexts.

“Color comp” by Pablo Stanley

Project TAPIR: Harvesting the power of PIDs

In the TAPIR project, we are testing partially automated procedures for research reporting in the context of university and non-university research. We are investigating the extent to which the necessary data aggregation can be carried out on the basis of openly available research information using persistent identifiers.

“Color comp” by Pablo Stanley

Projekt TAPIR: Mit der Macht der PIDs

Im Projekt TAPIR erproben wir teilautomatisierte Verfahren zur Forschungsberichterstattung im Kontext universitärer und außeruniversitärer Forschung. Wir gehen der Frage nach, inwiefern die dazu erforderliche Datenaggregation auf Basis offen verfügbarer Forschungsinformationen mittels persistenter Identifikatoren durchgeführt werden kann.