Kategorie: Forschung & Entwicklung

Patentsuche vereinfachen mit Bildvergleichen

Patentrecherche ist meist schwierig und aufwändig. Der Vergleich einzelner Patente ist oft mühselig. Unser Projekt ExpResViP will den von Sprache und Technologie unabhängigen Zugang zu Patenten verbessern. Hierfür wird eine visuelle Suche für das Patentretrieval entwickelt, die automatische Erkennung von Bildähnlichkeiten und Text-Bild-Bezüge mittels maschineller Lernverfahren nutzt.

How scientific publishers reacted to the Russo-Ukrainian war

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is negatively affecting the development of the Ukrainian academy, now and in the near future. Different academic stakeholders around the world, including scientific publishers, have reacted differently to this war, some imposing sanctions against Russia and/or providing aid to Ukraine, some refraining from such actions for various reasons. We try to take a closer look at the situation.

Academic and Research libraries in Ukraine: main tasks and best practices 

Starting from March 2022, TIB’s Open Science Lab has been hosting three scholars from Ukraine, whose research were disturbed by the war. In the first week of July, an introductory webinar, dedicated to Research and Academic libraries of Ukraine was conducted. Accordingly, this blog post is meant to serve as a brief report of the webinar.

Language Discourse in the context of Natural Language Processing – A Quick Look

Discourse takes various modalities, structures, and mediums. Among the commonly experienced mediums are face-to-face chats, telephone conversations, television news broadcasts, radio news, talk shows, lectures, books, and scientific articles. Intriguingly, each of these forms of discourse follow a logical structural nuance depending on the medium. The advancement of the digital age including social media communication has further led to expansion of logical discourse structures. These include blog-posts, emails, websites, review sites of products, hotels, restaurants or movies, and, finally, social media streams such as Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, #slack channels, Q&A portals such as Quora or Stack Overflow, etc., with a growing list as new mediums of communication over the World Wide Web are invented.
Large and varied streams of natural discourse only mean an even larger body of research questions remains to be explored!

Curtains for B!SON beta!

Researchers can now have thematically appropriate, quality-assured Open Access journals recommended for their manuscript: with the beta version of the B!SON recommendation system. All interested parties are cordially invited to give us feedback on the recommendations and usability. In addition to the call for testing, in the blog post we report on the development work in the project and explain how the recommendation algorithm works.

Vorhang auf für B!SON beta!

Wissenschaftler:innen können sich nun thematisch passende, qualitätsgesicherte Open-Access-Zeitschriften für ihr Manuskript empfehlen lassen: mit der Betaversion des Empfehlungssystems B!SON. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich dazu eingeladen, uns Feedback zu den Empfehlungen und zur Usability zu geben. Neben dem Aufruf zum Testen berichten wir im Blogbeitrag von der Entwicklungsarbeit im Projekt und erläutern, wie der Empfehlungsalgorithmus funktioniert.