Kategorie: Data Science

TIB Terminology Service – Terminologies and Ontologies Support FAIR Research Data Management

In order to support the scientific use of established ontologies and terminologies, a Terminology Service was set-up by TIB in cooperation with the NFDI initiative: a single point of access to terminologies from a range of domains such as architecture, chemistry, computer science, mathematics and physics.

Der TIB Terminology Service – Terminologien und Ontologien unterstützen ein FAIRes Forschungsdatenmanagement

Um die wissenschaftliche Verwendung etablierter Ontologien und Terminologien zu unterstützen hat die TIB in Zusammenarbeit mit der NFDI-Initiative den TIB Terminology Service (TS) eingerichtet: eine zentrale Anlaufstelle für den Zugang zu Terminologien aus verschiedenen Bereichen wie Architektur, Chemie, Informatik, Mathematik und Physik.

The 2nd ORKG Curation Grant Program – Stories of Machine-Actionable Research Contributions

In 2022, TIB awarded its ORKG Curation Grants for the second time. 10 researchers from several disciplines made continuous entries in the ORKG in their field of research and contributed significant research issues to the ORKG. In this blog post, we introduce two of the them and show how they have worked with the ORKG and how their research has benefited from the ORKG.

Language Discourse in the context of Natural Language Processing – A Quick Look

Discourse takes various modalities, structures, and mediums. Among the commonly experienced mediums are face-to-face chats, telephone conversations, television news broadcasts, radio news, talk shows, lectures, books, and scientific articles. Intriguingly, each of these forms of discourse follow a logical structural nuance depending on the medium. The advancement of the digital age including social media communication has further led to expansion of logical discourse structures. These include blog-posts, emails, websites, review sites of products, hotels, restaurants or movies, and, finally, social media streams such as Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, #slack channels, Q&A portals such as Quora or Stack Overflow, etc., with a growing list as new mediums of communication over the World Wide Web are invented.
Large and varied streams of natural discourse only mean an even larger body of research questions remains to be explored!