Grischa Fraumann

I am a member of the IBID research group (Information Behavior and Interaction Design) at the Department of Communication. Before joining the University of Copenhagen, I worked as a Research Assistant at TIB Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology. I was also a Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS), Leiden University.

Usability tests in practice – a progress report of the ROSI project

Within the ROSI project (Reference Implementation for Open Scientometric Indicators) we conducted usability tests to test our developed software application. In this blog post, we would like to give an insight into our approach and our experiences to encourage other projects to use a similar approach.

Usability-Tests in der Praxis – ein Werkstattbericht des Projekts ROSI

Im Rahmen des Projekts ROSI (Referenzimplementierung für offene szientometrische Indikatoren) haben wir Usability-Tests genutzt, um unsere entwickelte Software-Anwendung zu testen. In diesem Blogpost möchten wir einen Einblick geben in unser Vorgehen und unsere Erfahrungen, um somit andere Projekte ermutigen, einen ähnlichen Ansatz zu verwenden.

A public archive for the videos of the Altmetrics Conferences and Workshops

We are glad to announce that most videos from the Altmetrics Conferences and Workshops are now available at a public archive, the TIB AV-Portal. In doing so, we create a long-term archive of the videos, define licenses for reuse, assign a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for each video and provide the possibility to link the videos in future to the corresponding presentation slides and/or abstracts.