Schlagwort: profiles

Tomorrow’s networked researcher profile page: What it will look like (according to contributors from #dhiha6)

A few minutes ago, David Chavalarias and me held a workshop within the Digital Humanities Experiments event on 11/12 June 2015 at the German Historical Institute Paris (DHIP). This blog post is the third part (see all) of a contribution to DHIP’s blog carnival accompanying the whole event. Here I will stop

Tomorrow’s networked researcher profile page: an overview (part 2 of my #dhiha6 contribution)

What will the scholarly profile page of the future look like? This is the main question of a workshop within the Digital Humanities Experiments event on 11/12 June 2015 at the German Historical Institute Paris (DHIP), led by mathematician David Chavalarias and me. This blog post is the second part (read

Tomorrow’s networked researcher profile page: a call for ideas (and ten minutes of your time) #dhiha6

We’re used to being able to easily find researchers’ profile pages on the web, often more than one about one and the same researcher. These profile pages go far beyond the digital version of a traditional CV (“curriculum vitae”). A workshop within the Digital Humanities Experiments event on 11/12 June